PACISA – Executive Professional Service

The PACISA GROUPE Executive Professionals Programmes consists of Business English and a range of Specialised courses tailor-made for company Directors and aspiring Executives. Each course is an introduction to key concepts and will assist you in your role of leading strategic processes within any industry sector.

Business English

Study Business English in one of our UK locations with other professionals from around the world. Learn the language you need for business, socialising and networking in our dedicated Executive Centre.

Experienced Business English Teachers

Dedicated English teachers with business experience will push you to achieve the best results.

You can choose Business English to improve your English level for work or choose Executive General English to learn business and everyday English. We also offer Specialised English training courses and one-to-one specialist tuition.

We also offer Specialised English training courses and one-to-one specialist tuition.

The right course for your level of English

The English level required for our business English courses is Lower Intermediate level.


  • Graduates and undergraduates who wish to have a fresh international insight on current core areas of business


How to Apply:

  • - Fill the registration form
  • - Personal Statement
  • - Letter of Reference